Hey You; Yes, you. stop being unhappy with yourself. you are perfect. stop wishing you looked like someone else or wishing people liked you as much as they like someone else.
stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks. love them. without those things you wouldn’t be you.
and why would you want to be anyone else? be confident with who you are. smile. it’ll draw people in. if anyone hates on you because you are happy with yourself then you
stick your middle finger in the air and say screw it. my happiness will not depend on others anymore. i’m happy because i love who i am.
i love my flaws. i love my imperfections. they make me me. and “me” is pretty amazing.

viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012





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Aprovecho este momento para daros las gracias a todas las personas que nos siguen y nos ponéis comentarios, soys geniales bloggeros. Ademas, os pido que si tenéis alguna idea para mejorar nuestro blog no dudéis en decirnoslo (estamos pensando en cambiar la cabecera). Por cieeerto que ganas de semana santa eh jajaja bueno pues nada que si queréis contactar de alguna otra forma con nosotras os dejamos nuestro tuenti que ahora tenemos dos: Whattowear Whattogive y twitter: Whattowear Whatt (os seguiremos de vuelta!).
PD: Lo sentimos por no haber podido responder los comentarios ya que hemos estado algo liadas con los exámenes! Un beeeeso